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Deployment with Custom Image Registries

During Edge cluster deployment, the Palette agent must download the necessary images required by the cluster. The Palette agent divides the images into two categories in terms of when and from where to download them:

  • Provider images. These images are Kairos-based container images for each supported Operating System (OS) and Kubernetes combination built during EdgeForge and pushed to an image registry. Provider images are always downloaded first.

  • All other images. These images are for the network, storage, and application layers of the cluster.

The Palette agent decides on where to download the images from depending on whether you have specified an external registry and whether you have enabled a local Harbor registry on your cluster.

Provider Image Registry

Provider images are always downloaded first by the Palette agent. You are required to provide the location of the provider image in the OS pack of your cluster profile. If an external registry is not specified in the user data during EdgeForge, provider images will be downloaded from the provider image registry specified in the OS pack of the cluster profile.

Palette supports downloading provider images from authenticated registries. If your cluster needs to download provider images from a authenticated registry, you need to provide the credentials to access the registry in the OS pack of the cluster profile. For more information, refer to Deploy Cluster with a Private Provider Registry.

External Registry

After the provider images are downloaded, the Palette agent proceeds to download all other images required for the cluster from registries that are specified in each pack's YAML configuration. However, you can specify an external registry as the registry from which all images used by the cluster will be downloaded, including the provider images.

When an external registry is provided in the user data, the Palette agent will prepend the URL of the external registry to the URL of every image. For example, if your OS pack specified that the provider images be downloaded from, but in your user data, you have specified an external registry as, the Palette agent will automatically download the image using the tag instead of looking for the image in the original registry.

The provider image also includes core Kubernetes images such as images for api-server, etcd, and kube-controller-manager, which will be loaded directly from the provider image to containerd without fetching them from another registry.

If you want to use a private image registry for applications on your Edge cluster, you can instruct the Palette agent to download images from an authenticated external registry. You can specify an external registry in the user-data used to build your Edge Installer ISO. For more information on how to deploy a cluster with an authenticated external registry, refer to Deploy Cluster with a Private External Registry.

Local Harbor Registry

A local Harbor registry is a local registry that runs on your cluster. After the initial download of images from other registries, all images except for infrastructure layer images will be uploaded to the Harbor registry. Subsequently, all requests for application images from the cluster will be made to the Harbor registry. For more information, refer to Enable Local Harbor Image Registry.


There are limitations to using the local Harbor image registry and authenticated registries. The following table shows you which combinations are supported.

FeatureCan be used withCannot be used with
Local Harbor registry- Authenticated external registry
- Public provider registry
Authenticated provider registry
Authenticated external registry- Local Harbor registry
- Public provider registry
Authenticated provider registry.
Authenticated provider registryN/A- Authenticated external registry
- Local Harbor registry