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Add Nutanix Cloud Account

Once the Private Cloud Gateway (PCG) is installed, the Nutanix cloud account must be added to Palette.


Add Cloud Account

  1. Log in to Palette as a tenant administrator.

  2. Ensure you are in the correct project scope.

  3. From the left Main Menu, select Tenant Settings.

  4. Next, select Cloud Accounts in the Tenant Setting Menu.

  5. Locate Nutanix and click Add Nutanix Cloud.

  6. Fill out the following input values and click Confirm to continue.

    NameA custom name for the account.
    Private Cloud GatewaySelect the PCG from the list of deployed PCGs in your setup.
    NUTANIX_USERThe Prism Central user name.
    NUTANIX_PASSWORDThe Prism Central user password.
    NUTANIX_ENDPOINTThe Prism Central IP address or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) assigned to Prism.
    NUTANIX_PORTSpecify the default port you assigned in the cloudClusterTemplate.yaml file. The default value is 9440.
    NUTANIX_INSECURESpecify the SSL behavior you used in the cloudClusterTemplate.yaml file. The default behavior is false.


  1. Log in to Palette as a tenant admin.

  2. From the left Main Menu, select Tenant Settings.

  3. Next, select Cloud Accounts in the Tenant Settings Menu.

  4. Verify the account you added is listed and available.

Next Steps

Now that you have added a Nutanix account to Palette, you can start deploying Kubernetes clusters to your Nutanix infrastructure. To learn how to get started deploying Kubernetes clusters to Nutanix, review the Create and Manage Nutanix Cluster guide.